Summer Assessment Y2


For the past year I stated to see threat as a way of investigating the boundaries and meanings that this material contains in it and, is exploration for my artistic practice. At the start of the year my installation were a very site specific pieces of work and the main idea was to take an original space and amend it with the material. Change its original structure that served a purpose and alter it with the way this space will be used or walked around. First by occupying the place physically then it came off the wall in the form of free mobile frames becoming a standing alone piece. The awareness of mobility infuses in to the idea of the final outcome. To create a space out of the material, to create a situation where the audience has to interact with the piece instead of being merely an observer to experience and comprehend.  Where you’re not a solitary part of the piece but become affected by other experiencing the environment. The essential parts stayed true. Drawing with thread in geometrical pattern that evolves it in to chaos that manipulates the experience and creates space.

Working with preexisting parameters and space can have its limitations. Can this space accommodate my idea? Most of the time the answer will be, no not really as it was build with out you in mind. Thus the ideas of creating a new environment become appealing to me. As the only limitations I have to deal are my own skill level, the supporting structure for my material and not the space I’m working in.  For some time I was working on the small scale with silk cocoons outside my studio practice. Zoe Williams particularly inspired me, she is an artist primarily focusing on quilting. She calls them her “Spirit houses” and an idea of being inside one of cocoons intrigued me. The experience of preserving, opening the cocoons and seeing what inside, along with the actual protection that this small strings of silk create for the silk doll. The idea of experiencing that, protection but still being aware of the other, the one outside by the muffled sounds of spectators. This aspect of interaction with the created environment I discovered in the artworks of Tomás Saraceno in art works like “IN ORBIT” and “On Space Time Foam” along with “Galaxies Forming along Filaments, Like Droplets along the Strands of a Spider’s Web”. Those work giving you a different view on the atmosphere that you’re inside and the outside world. I particular identify with the idea of social relationship in his art works. What will people do with this made up space? Will they stay and fill protected or put of by the isolation it might bring. What will they feel when they meet some one else inside? Along with that I would pinpoint at Roger Hiorns’s and his piece “Seizure”. Environment off “wow”.

With all that said my artwork is about creating the environment for the viewer in which the normal human interaction could be both hindered or improved depending on the person. I find string to be a very powerful material despite it delicate quantities as it can alter the object and a peice. I’m also interested in how impermanent the work is, as its effected by the environment of the outside .The space for the viewer to stop, stop and look.


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This is what I started with in the beginning of the tern. A wall of geometrical sting



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Stages of an early piece:

After looking at Hardeep Kalsi’s work spring project, I got an idea of pulling the 3d shapes of sting off the wall and make it in to a more of the portable piece. In Hardeep’s work the idea of creating from found object was predominantly themed so I decided to see how I could cooperate it in to my own portable piece. So I created a structure from found objects around my studio space and tried to creates shapes from sting without a large supporting structure like a wall  ( Size : around 70 x 60 cm)



Experimenting how it would look if you cover up a singular object with string. ( Size : around 20 x 5 cm)



Scaling the panel idea up. I quite liked the idea of transparency that comes with using string on a structure that is mainly supportive instead of dominating.  Also the possibility that the portability brought to the shape that the sting can take on brought variety to the piece. As some of them become under tension and other relax as the panels are moved.


Same panel as before but in different position  ( Size : around 150 x depending cm)


Working on creating shapes on previously made objects for an exhibition Annex that I was a part of for critical collaboration methods  ( Size : 150 x 100 cm)


 Working in side a shelf to see if I can create depth perception in side an object with string ( Size : around 240 x 120 cm)


A small piece made out of found pencils. It was an experiment to see how dense I can make the string look and at the same time how I can manipulated it to create different shapes.  ( Size : around 30 x 30 cm)


Idea for the final piece after looking at works of Roger Hiorns and Zoe Williams “Spirit houses” while looking at the natural formation of crystals rocks. I wanted to make an environment, almost like the cocoon itself out of the string. Maze like structure  made out of sting.


Crystal idea and recipes for growing crystals


At the same time I wanted to put something inside the maze. While looking at Hirons work and at the same time looking at the cocoons it reminded me of natural crystal rock formation. I thought that I can replicate the effect by using cocoons as a shell and grow crystals inside it. As I already was experimenting in crystalizing some of my string work I though to experiment and see if I con grow fully formed crystals

.20140426-134239.jpgagate geode


Experimenting with coating things with crystals and growing crystal seeds to grow bigger crystals

Some of the crystal chemicals I used

White and black crystals: Alum

Green: Iron sulphate


Growing crystals inside the cocoons

The maze


The entrance of the structure



the structure before the string comes on

20140426-134111.jpgthe sketch of the structure (birds views)


This happened on Monday. No one know who did it. Has to restart the maze from scratch and simplify it






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