Autumn Assessment Y3


Material as a way of creating connections between the artwork and the viewer and evoke both emotional and physical response to the art. Art that is talking about what it can do. An object representing different answers and drawing form the old believes. I felt like it’s a time to bring that fascination with the unknown that I had for years. The mechanical bonfire that will be interactive though colours and sound with the audience. After taking several “squishy objects” seminar where I got my hands on an Arduino. I got an idea to use it in my artwork. By making the artwork function, create an imitation of the real thing. “Fire” that will cloud the senses of the viewer along side the performance.While creating an atmosphere with my woolen fire sculpture. Along side variety off object that had visual esthetic with the physical perception changed by the wool. Creating the comfortable atmosphere by using material that are closely associated with warmth and relaxation i.e. wool, wood along side bright colours in combinations that the viewer should perceive calming as they are dulled out by the material. I also looked at the traditional color schemes



Working exclusively in wood and sting can be limiting so I though of moving on from focusing on the media and shifting it. Making it a supportive material and to look at different theme all together while still retaining the ideas I previous explored, such as environment and perception. One of the artist that really inspired my work at the beginning of the term was Leam Gilik his strange installations with colours that brings his work to life. Along side Gilik, Gregory Crewdson and Anne Hardy 2 photographers that stage their artwork have caught my eye. There is something really beautiful about their art but at the same time something makes you anxious while looking at the work. The same uneasy feeling shows up in the work of Kiki Smith. Almost primitive drawings of animals and people. Marcus Coates performances “journey to the lower world” where he performs shamanistic rituals to summon spirit animals in the industrial world.

My wish that the viewers look at my art works and say nothing but just feel instead. I’m hopping to achieve this with the element of eeriness that I’m as a performer adding to the piece. I’ve been pulling ideas from the old Russian Slavic(pagan) rituals “fire worships” on the Kupala night (summer solstice 24/25 June). On that night of mischief, the younger jumped over large open bonfires 2 prove their bravery, courage and faith. During that night no one slept, as it was believed that “evil” had their holiday on that night so all the powers were strong in the air. The night they played tricks on the humans.

I want to implement those traditions with my piece.


With all that said my art work is about brining the individual style that I have developed while using string and wool as the main material and tie it with performance that I always wanted to do since the beginning of the 2nd year. Peculiar mismatch of colour style and old forgotten tradition.


Paint+wool trying out mixing the 2 together


Wool wall, 64 squares 20×20 cm Sketch of the idea plus material and the stages I took 2 create the wall


Sketches for the next piece; wall idea again or taking it down n placing it on to a wall


Trying out the first part of the wall idea


Incorporating coloured plastic in too woollen squares


Incorporating the sculpture and the wall idea in to pervious piece


Idea for things to wrap up n see if it changes the object

+ the idea for a stage for a performance inside of the string and woolen object



Wrapped up objects


Idea for the final piece/performance after looking at paganism and old tradition of Slovak

info abou the Kupala nights:


Preparing wood + Trying out to figure out how 2 make my mechanical fire through using RGB LED light and Arduino microcontroller


Making the mask from foam board and felting wool on to the mask


Piece before the assessment

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